Creativity doesn’t just have to be limited to crafting at your kitchen table! Here are 15 fabulous activities from our awesome franchisee Kirsty Hickson of The Creation Station Driffield, East Yorkshire to get you outdoors enjoying some creative fun!
- Make a bug house – Collect a variety of sticks, stones, recycled pots and create a hidey hole home for bugs and beasties. It’s great fun seeing who moved in.
- Chalk drawing – Simple chalk drawing on pavements and paths is a timeless activity and such fun. You can also make chalk paints using paint and corn flour added to water and then freeze. You can have such fun making marks whilst letting it melt.
- Collect items on a nature walk such as stones, leaves, pinecones, seeds etc. Create artwork from the collected items. This could be a pattern or mandala style or could depict a picture.
- Go on a colour scavenger hunt – Find items outdoors to match all the colours on a sheet.
- Make a journey stick – Use a large strip of cardboard on a long stick and collect items on a walk to stick to it to tell the story of your journey.
- Rock painting is simple but such fun. Hide your rocks for others to find or use as garden decorations.
- Nature weaving – Collect leaves, grasses and other items to weave onto a cardboard loom.
- Explore rubbings – Tree trunks, pavements, bricks and more! There are so many patterns and textures to explore by using a wax crayon on paper to take a rubbing. The paper can then be used to create fab collaged pictures.
- Bubble snakes are used lots in our pre-school and baby classes but are great fun to play with outside too. Watch the bubbles blow around in the breeze, can you catch them? Can you pop them?
- Make a tin foil river for sailing boats – Make a tinfoil trench around the garden. Add water and a boat of choice. You could even make your own from lolly sticks, corks, recycled tubs and more.
- Explore shadows – What shapes can you make? Draw round shadows of objects and each other. How do the shadows change during the day?
- Painting with water – Even at Creation Station we have days when we don’t want to get the paint out, but a bucket of water and a paint brush on a sunny day can be just as much fun. Great for early mark making and experimenting and it all dries up at the end.
- Water bomb painting – Fill water bombs with painty water and have fun throwing them at a large piece of paper or even a sheet for some totally splattery art.
- Paint plant pots with bright colours and patterns – Fill with colourful flowers or grow seeds to bring colour to your garden. Varnish pots after painting to protect from the weather.
- Make seed bombs – Use old shredded paper and soak in water for at least 20 minutes until it becomes a pulp. Sprinkle your choice of seeds in the pulp then mould into balls or shapes. You can use silicon moulds to make more interesting shapes if you wish. Once dried these can be planted wherever you would like flowers to grow or make great gifts.
To find out more about your local award winning classes, parties and events visit The Creation Station