Hi, a big warm welcome to you, we're here bringing you live quick creative challenge so I've got my timer going on to keep me keep me focused.
So today, we're going to be be thinking of something really simple, just taking a line for a walk and then grab a pen, and then literally just take a line for a walk, Okay, You might not think that's very creative, but let's develop that idea. So, with your little one, no matter what age they are, a great activity for grownups too.
Try taking the line for a walk with some music. So you can get some fast music and you can make your line dance to the music. See how that feels or you could draw a line like a fairy and do it very gently and slowly. You could try taking a line for a walk with your other hand and see what happens.
You could also try taking a line for a walk with a different colour and with your eyes closed and see what happens, when you can't see what you're doing. You can imagine an elephant would take a line for a walk and they might do big big movements or they
might be flying around the sky and make a whole different type of movement. Try experimenting with music, movement, closing your eyes and different hands. You start to get some groove, you've got the movements.
At Creation Station we like to extend the activities. So have a go at taking your three favourite colours. You've got a hair bobble or off the spring onions an elastic band. I'm just going to hold them in my hand and I'm going to start. I'll demonstrate on the other side. I'm going to start moving them, all together to see what sort of patterns, you might not be able to hear it, and the sounds you can start to create.
You can start to imagine different things that if you had planned that would never happen! So have a go at doing that.
Taking lines for a walk, depending on the materials that you use and the paper, you can get and effect different patterns.
We really like these paint sticks. What I particularly like about them, is you don't need a lot of pressure in order to create really impactful and strong marks.
So these make really great marks and they're quite waxy so you can have a go at sort of wax artwork as well. Again, different colours. They're really vibrant colours, just thinking about different lines and again, depending on the type of paper we use, we've got some sugar paper here, you can get different effects. I'm going to take a line for a walk on the green.
Oh that's quite nice, the green and the pink that's quite zingy, and you might then start to think about, what that line represents.
It could be, that could be, a journey through the forest. So, then you might start to decorate the rest of the background of where that journey is going to happen.
Another nice, product to use for lines are these chubby markers that we use a lot at Creation Station They create, really vibrant colours. So you can see the difference, not just in impact, but the size of the line and how it changes on different backgrounds. So, these are metallic markers which are my favourite. It'll be interesting, will the pink work on the pink? and one of the things you might want to do with your children, is talk about differences, rather than telling tell them that pink won't show up and it does a little bit. Say we'll have an experiment, have a go at finding out yourself.
You could do dots, but we're working on lines today. So, you can add in different frames on your line. So, I'm just doing a ziggy ine around the outside. That is an official word. I think Ziggy.
This could be my journey on an adventure. So, you could then stop to decorate. Maybe you can get some leaves, go on a little
collage trail, start sticking things in and really extending your drawing time. Another nice thing, just very quickly, you
can take the gaps in here, and decorate them and just colour them in.
Oh I'm rushing now, but you can start to take those little spaces and use the different materials to create fill in the gaps as well. So, there's absolutely stacks you can do, with a simple concept for taking a line for a walk.
Hope you find that helpful. We've got loads of ideas in my Amazon number one selling book. Creative Sparks, that's what it is called. You can get this on Amazon, or a signed copy on the Creation Station Store. It has got got over 52 activities and ideas to do at home.
Hope you find it helpful. Do share your pictures. Keep safe.
Take care Bye.