Be inspired by Wendy and Theo’s ideas.
What You Will Need:
- Lolly sticks
- Different coloured wool
- Glue
- Scissors
Here are some ideas to create your own Ojo de Dios:
- Glue two lolly sticks together to make a cross.
- Take your wool and tie a knot around the middle of the cross. Cut off the excess.
- With the knot at the back of the cross, pull the wool down and wrap it around the middle of the cross four times.
- Rotate the cross anti-clockwise and wrap the wool around the middle four times. Repeat twice more.
- Now wrap the wool four times around each stick, then cut the wool and secure it with glue.

6. Now choose a different coloured wool. Glue the end of your new wool next to the old. Pull the wool to the front of the cross and wrap it around each stick once.
7. Repeat this until you want to change the colour.
8. Cut the wool, glue it in place, choose your next colour and repeat number 6,7 & 8.
9. Keep going until the cross is full, cut the wool, glue it into place and you now have your very own good luck, protection charm.
Add more colours.
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