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Don’t forget to vote

The awards ran by ‘What’s on 4 little ones’, are open to the very best activities, classes, days out and party providers for young families and children across the UK. We are proud to have a number of franchisees up for regional awards for ‘Most Outstanding Activity Leader for the Under 5s.’ “It is fantastic that our franchisees are receiving recognition for the amazing work they do. We have a positive and inspiring network who are proactively helping parents and organisations to inspire children imaginations and nurture creativity all across the UK and Ireland,” says Sarah Cressall, Founder and Managing Director of The Creation Station.

Voting closes on the 1st May so only a few days left to make your vote count.


To vote for The Creation Station visit What’s On 4 Little Ones and select The Creation Station from the drop down menu under:



To find out more about The Creation Station and the fun and creative baby and toddler development activities in your area visit The Creation Station Ltd Facebook or


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