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What you need to know before you buy a franchise.

I always wanted to run my own business but I didn’t know where to start. That’s why franchising was a really attractive option for me. The business you run is a proven, tried and tested model that is national brand plus you receive full training and on-going support.” Emma McCalla-John, The Creation Station franchise owner.

If you, like Emma, would love to run your own business, but don’t know where to start and would like to find out more about running a franchise, this article is for you.

There are lots of things to think about when deciding to run your own franchise business. It is important to do your research before you invest. Not every franchise is the same so it is important to get the one that is the right match for you.

Key areas to consider include:

  • Demand – is there a demand for the product or service you intend to offer?
  • Credibility – does the business have a proven track record?
  • Investment. – this includes money and time. What are the possible returns on investment and how many hours will you need to put in?
  • Competition – is the market saturated with this product or service or is there scope to grow?
  • Training and support – what is the initial training and future training provision?  What long-term support is on offer to help you are you grow your business?
  • Alignment – do you believe in what the company stands for? Can you see yourself enjoying the day to day activities involved in the business?

Founder of The Creation Station, Sarah Cressall gave a talk for the British Franchise Association at The National Franchise Exhibition. Sarah shared some key factors about the relationship between the franchisor and the franchise owner, plus tips to think about when investing in a franchise.


We hope you find this helpful. Please share with anyone you know who is thinking of investing in a franchise.

If you would like to find out whether running your own Creation Station franchise is right for you, download the information pack.

Download Creation Station Franchise  Info Pack    

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