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What happened when Sarah met Steve…?

Sometimes you really do get to meet your hero!

It was a double super hero helping last week as it was the ever-inspiring Children in Need, with amazing feats of superhero fundraising across the UK. If you missed our Super Hero Mask and Passport don’t forget you can still download them from our blog.

The Creation Station team and I were also fortunate to meet one of my hero’s, Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple Computers. Steve said to us “I learned not to worry so much about the outcome, but to concentrate on each step.”

That’s one of the core beliefs of The Creation Station – we believe that creativity is a journey, not an outcome. It is concentrating on each step and learning to make decisions and solve problems. It’s about being able to explore, discover and develop and have fun – and Steve does like having fun. Steve has a little app on his phone so, when he is away, he can beep the car on his drive to give his wife a surprise – let her know he’s thinking of her!

I told Steve we were soon to launch our new store with over 13,000 products to inspire creativity – he’s keen to have a good look around!

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