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Thank You NHS Collage

Join in our appreciation of our amazing NHS and take the ‘Thank You Creative Collage Challenge’  #ourcreativeface.

Collage a ‘Thank You’ image and upload your artwork to

  • You will also be entered into our official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS attempt. 😍

Together we can showcase the creativity of all ages and celebrate being OFFICIALLY AMAZING 🙌 through these tough times.

To be part of our record-breaking attempt you will need to collage the whole of the background, not use paint and ensure all parts are stuck down!

Here are some of the collaged THANK YOU’s to the NHS from your Creation Station crew.

To get involved follow these simple steps:

1. Create a collaged ‘Thank you’.

2. Upload your image to – to be entered into the official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS attempt

3. Tag three friends to take the ‘Thank You Creative Collage Challenge’ #ourcreativeface and together we celebrate all people being OFFICIALLY AMAZING 🙌 through these tough times.

If you are looking for more online creative fun:

Find online creative classes with free craft packs included

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