We hope you and yours are keeping stay and happy.
Here at Creation Station there are nine key areas we are working on to support our franchise family, customers and partners:
1. We have cancelled all payments from our Franchise partners to give our franchise family peace of mind through these difficult times. We have had to adapt as a Creative Hub head office team – but looking after our franchise partners is one of our highest priorities.
2. We have set up all our franchise partners with a platform to run their own live Creation Station sessions and home online parties. Before lockdown, they were purchasing crafts at trade price from our Head Office warehouse and selling craft products to their customers.
Looking after our customers and partners is our other highest priority. We have put together a range of activities under a new campaign called #ImagineNation. Our #ImagineNation campaign includes:
3. We are running free live sessions Monday to Friday at 2pm – 2.30pm on our @CreationStationLtd Facebook these are being steamed live by Netmums and kindly shared by many organisations. This is reaching over 200,000 children and families so far.
4. Running an official GUINNESS WORLD RECORD™ attempt – called Our Creative Face. You create a a collaged portrait and upload it to www.ourcreativeface.com. Once we smash the record of 50,000 images you will received an OFFICIALLY AMAZING ™ certificate. This is good positive fun for all ages.
5. We’ve set up a Facebook group called ‘ImagineNation – inspiration for families in isolation’. This is supported by our awesome franchise partners who are sharing and commenting.
6. We give away a prize each week to children, when we see their uploaded creations on our main Creation Station Facebook page, a way of celebrating their awesome creativity.
7. We’ve put together a selection of craft packs and resources so people can join in our Creation Station Live session on our online shop https://www.thecreationstation.co.uk/shop. People can receive 10% off, by contacting their local Creation Station franchise partner. Each order provides our franchise partners with free crafts to use – so a great way to support local business owners when you use their voucher code.
8. We’ve set up a ‘Buy One Inspire One’. Every order placed on our shop we will spend 10% of donating Fun Arty Boxes to NHS Key Worker families.
9. Providing children’s artwork for hospitals.
Please contact us if you would like more info on any of the above. Keep safe. 💕