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Our quick creative challenge with Play-Doh, making colours and using as a base.

Hi on today’s quick creative challenge, I am going to start the timer so I don’t run over. We are going to be doing something with Play-Doh and something you’ve been probably told not to do before. but it’s a lot of fun so I’m going to recommend it. So, you get two colours and you mix them. I know, who would have thought of mixing colours , but no, it is great fun. So when we mix them, what do we get?

So, to start with we get this lovely marbling effect.  Let me show you, like that. If you can see? You can see both colours really distinctly, however, if we carry on mixing, what do we think is going to happen? So,  if I know my colours. We’ve got the three primary colours here. Red, blue and yellow we are going to get a green!

As you can see these two greens are slightly different to the Play-Doh one. That’s because they have probably got the right amount of blue and yellow. I just guessed but so that’s the first thing we can do. We have still got some time left, which is nice. So, let’s think about what else we could do. We could get some things and make it look pretty. So, if we get four match sticks into my homemade green, you might be able to get it to stand up and look a bit like an alien and then. Oh maybe not stand up, maybe and we can put in some coconut shells or some buttons.  Then we’ve got a little alien You can even put a different colour, maybe a red on top and give it some eyes or something. Just like that.  Maybe yours is a little better or different to mine.

While we we have some time left, what else could we do? We could use it as a structural base. So if you get some Play-Doh and put it at the bottom of some sticks,  I found in our garden. and if you see, it kind of holds the stick upright like magic.

So if we get 3 sticks, like this or even two, look at that. I don’t know if you can see? It has made a little arch. You can maybe get a third and stick it to the table or maybe add in some leaves you found outside or something like that. Anyway, that’s our time.
And I hope you have enjoyed our quick session, and let us know if you made any nice creations. We’d love to see them.

Okay Bye for now.

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