To celebrate the arrival of Autumn we have made the most of all the beautiful leaves falling and are using them to create a stunning little dish. Perfect for that loose change or jewellery. Just choose a leaf that makes you smile and off you go.
What do you need:
– A leaf of your choosing
– White airdrying clay
– Rolling pin
– Craft knife or sharp knife
– Cup for drying
– Acrylic paint and a brush
To make it:
1) Roll out your clay to approximately 2-3mm, making sure your leaf will fit on.
2) Gently roll all over your leaf so that it will leave a clear imprint on the clay.
3) Carefully remove the leaf.
4) Cut around the outline and smooth the edges.
5) In the palm of your hand carefully press the leaf to bring the sides up.
6) Place over the base of a cup to maintain the shape and leave to dry as per packet instructions.
7) Paint the dry leaf all over with acrylic paint being careful to keep the leaf details.
8) Leave to dry.
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