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It’s Make it Monday | Let’s make Super Stretchy Clear Slime

Here at The Creation Station, we take Health and Safety extremely seriously which is why we have invested in ensuring our slime recipes are safe and fit for purpose.  We just know that this clear slime will delight your children and is perfect for ages 4+.  Just follow these simple instructions and get slimey!

You will need:

– Clear glue (we recommend Scola)

– Water

– Bicarbonate of Soda

– Bausch+Lomb saline solution (available from Amazon)

– Disposable gloves

– Old bowl and spoon

– Measuring spoons

– An airtight container to store the slime

To make the slime:

1) Put on your gloves and measure out approximately 30ml of clear glue and add to your bowl

2) Add the same amount of water and mix together thoroughly

3) Add 1/4 teaspoon of Bicarbonate of soda and mix. At this stage this will still be very runny.

4) Now add 1/2 tablespoon of your Bausch+Lomb saline solution (you can always add more if necessary)

5) Mix firmly for a couple of minutes.  If you add more saline too soon, the slime will become rubbery.

6) Once the slime ‘pulls’ together and is coming away from the sides you can begin to knead it with your hands (remove gloves for this stage)

7) You can now stretch and flip your slime.

Your slime will keep for up to a week in an airtight container in the fridge.

If your slime should come into contact with fabric, wipe over it with a little white wine vinegar and peel the slime away.


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