We just love buttons at The Creation Station! You can use them for so many things. This week all we had were buttons, a frame and our imaginations.
You will need:
– Selection of buttons
– Glue
– Black pen
– Colouring pencils (optional)
– Card
– Frame – a box frame is ideal for this project
To Make It:
1) Lay your buttons out and when you’re happy glue them down onto the card.
2) Use a fine black pen to draw bodies, arms, legs etc.
3) Use colouring pencils if you wish.
4) Add any wording if you wish.
5) Frame it and display with pride.
For more “How To” videos go to our YouTube Channel and click Subscribe. Share your awesome masterpieces with #creationstation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook or Twitter page for your chance to win one of our monthly craft giveaways.
If you need any of the items in the video to help make the craft – visit our online shop here.
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