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It’s Make it Monday | Beautiful Remembrance Day Poppies

Here at The Creation Station we believe crafts can be a wonderful medium to introduce and talk about so many things. Remembrance Day is incredibly important and this craft is a simple, yet effective way of crafting and opening up a conversation about their relevance to children.

All you need to make them is:

– Red tissue paper cut into circles about 5cm in diameter (you will need 4-5 per poppy)

– Black tissue paper cut into circles about 1.5-2cm diameter (you will need one per flower)

– Black pipe cleaners (one per poppy)

– A vase or container


To make them:

1) Take 4-5 red circles and add a black one on top in the middle.

2) Carefully push through one end of the pipe cleaner in the middle.

3) Push through the other end (make another hole next to the original)

4) Twist the pipe cleaner on the back to secure

5) Carefully scrunch the flower to add depth and texture

6) Display in a vase or container


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