EXCITING NEW Crayola Doodling Competition
We are thrilled and delighted to partner with Crayola to offer this BRILLIANT doodle competition and for your chance to win EPIC prizes!
Win a live Doodle Workshop in your child's school, with Tom Gates creator Liz Pichon, and your child can return to school a classroom hero! Plus, all their classmates get Crayola goodies too! There are weekly prizes up for grabs too!
2. Draw your hero - doodling anyone or anything that is a special hero to you.
3. Ask your grown-up to upload your Doodle with #crayolahero either on
- Crayola-UK's Instagram (upload your Doodle with #crayolahero) or on
- Crayola Facebook on the pinned post
4. Follow us on Insta for news of weekly winners
Visit https://www.crayola.co.uk/crayola-hero for more information.