EXCITING NEW Crayola Doodling Competition

EXCITING NEW Crayola Doodling Competition

EXCITING NEW Crayola Doodling Competition

We are thrilled and delighted to partner with Crayola to offer this BRILLIANT doodle competition and for your chance to win EPIC prizes! 

Win a live Doodle Workshop in your child's school, with Tom Gates creator Liz Pichon,  and your child can return to school a classroom hero! Plus, all their classmates get Crayola goodies too! There are weekly prizes up for grabs too! 


1. Download the Doodle template here.

Doodle template
EXCITING NEW Crayola Doodle Competition

2. Draw your hero - doodling anyone or anything that is a special hero to you. 

3. Ask your grown-up to upload your Doodle with #crayolahero either on 

4. Follow us on Insta for news of weekly winners

Visit https://www.crayola.co.uk/crayola-hero for more information.

Share your doodle to win
Published by Creation Station: (updated: )

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