From Corporate Life to Creative Community Classes in Coventry

Vicky Whitwell has enjoyed a very varied background, from working in recruitment and also working in teaching. When Vicky came to a crossroads in her career path she decided to combine her passion for helping others and doing things she loves. Now Vicky runs her own Creation Station franchise in Coventry. Vicky inspires imaginations with children’s art and crafts classes, party entertainment, after-school clubs, and camps, plus adult craft classes and events. Vicky is interviewed by Sarah Cressall, founder of The Creation Station.

Vicky Whitwell has enjoyed a very varied background, from working in recruitment and also working in teaching. When Vicky came to a crossroads in her career path she decided to combine her passion for helping others and doing things she loves.

Now Vicky runs her own Creation Station franchise in Coventry. Vicky inspires imaginations with children’s art and crafts classes, party entertainment, after-school clubs and camps, plus adult craft classes and events.

Vicky is interviewed by Sarah Cressall, founder of The Creation Station.

Vicky's Story

This is Vicky’s story

“I was fed up of feeling under-valued, working long hours for little reward. I also wanted to have more control over my working hours so I could be there more for my two fab kids Chloe 10 years  & Charlie who’s 8.

Vicky whitwell circle

I’d always fancied running my own business. I came across The Creation  Station and it jumped right out to me. It was flexible, supporting others and involved crafts! It had my name all over it.

I’m the type of person that when I see something that’s right, I find a way to make it happen. That’s what I did when I saw The Creation Station.

I downloaded the Franchise Information Pack – this really had me hooked as there is so much potential. 

I booked into a Discovery Event, these are now online which makes it even easier to attend, everyone was really helpful and answered all my questions.   

I completed my franchise training which was really informative and helpful. I was up and running pretty much straight after training! 

Now I can take my kids to school, get on with my business. Run my classes and afterschool clubs and I’m home by 5pm. My kids LOVE all of the craft supplies I have. I let them help themselves and I ca see just how beneficial it is for them to have the freedom to be creative.

Sarah and the team have been very supportive with the finances, which has really helped. The whole team has supported each other, with ideas catch-ups etc.

Running my own Creation Station has helped me develop personally too.

I’ve learned that I am resilient, that I am better at what I do than I think, and I that I am able to juggle multiple tasks each day to stay afloat.

I am proud that I have been strong enough to fight through the pandemic and still have my business.   I am proud that together our family has managed to stay really close.  I’m also so excited to get back to inspiring and helping more children and people get creative!

If you'd love to come along to Vicky's classes in Coventry, click here, children's art and craft classes, clubs parties and events. 

Find out about local classes, parties and clubs near me.

Published by Creation Station: (updated: )

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