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How Do You Change Career To Do Something You Love?


Anne Crump enjoyed a successful career teaching but when Anne took early retirement she felt like this was a time to do something more for herself, to something that she loved and that made a difference to others.

Anne had been looking at franchises for a long time. In fact, Anne looked at The Creation Station back in 2012. Anne’s research showed that the business opportunity and the potential had continued to grow significantly.

Anne decided that there was no better time to choose to take control over her life direction. Anne now provides award-winning arts and crafts classes, parties clubs and events in Chester West. 

Within months of being awarded her Creation Station franchise, Anne’s business was busier than she imagined.

We caught up with Anne whilst running Artfest at Carfest.

Watch Anne share her story about choosing to run her own Creation Station franchise.

Download Your Franchise Info Pack

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