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Creation Station Teams Up With Florida4Less To Provide Family Focussed Events

To celebrate a landmark 10th anniversary Florida 4 less decided to inspire families from across the North East with a hands-on Creation station inspiration.

As it was a landmark birthday for the Florida 4 less team, they decided there was no better way to celebrate than to throw an all-day children’s family fun event, complete with a Creation Station craft workshop.


Taking place at the Merrion Centre Leeds during the February half-term holiday, kids had a go at creating their very own special creations.

They designed their own papier mâché airplanes and coloured in summer-themed wiggle sticks to their heart’s content,

With over 16,000 children and adults inspired each week through our weekly classes, we were able to promote this fun free event to our database. It was great to see so many of our customers being creative with each other and enjoying a fun day thanks to Florida4Less. The day was inundated with local families able to enjoy the flight-inspired activities.

Children and adults of all ages got creative together and talked about favourite holidays and where they would most like to go. It may come as no surprise that Florida was the number one location. People shared stories about when they had been and the day was filled with chatter, shared creative fun and a take-home of happily shared experiences as well as pretty awesome artwork


To find your local Creation Station entertainer click here  or email us here at Creative Hub, with your postcode and we will put you in touch with your nearest Creation Station leader, email [email protected]

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