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Baby, toddler, pre-school toddler and school classes for kids near me

Unlock your child’s potential with fun and educational classes and help to spark their curiosity of joy of learning. Here at The Creation Station, we provide your child with hands-on journeys to explore, discover and develop. The portfolio of fun and educational classes help to support your child at different ages and stages of their development.


As well as being educational and fun, Creation Station classes are relaxed and easy for you, so you can give your child a wide range of creative opportunities to help them grow, develop and blossom.

Rated 5-Star by over 2,500 customers, the award-winning programme of creative activities are tailored to your child different age and stage so there is plenty of options to choose from to suit your child.

We believe creativity is important at all stages of life, that’s why we run classes and events for all ages.

Activities for your newborn to 6-month-old baby.

Starting with Tiny Treasures. Tiny Treasures is a newborn – 6 months aged class for you and your little one to make keepsakes to treasure forever. From your baby’s first handprint to creating printed bunting and printed treasure chests there is a wealth of gorgeous keepsakes to create together. As well as giving your baby their first creative experience of their big wide world, you can also meet like-minded parents and create new friendships too.

Activities for your 6-month-old baby to 18-month-old toddler

Following on from Tiny Treasures your baby’s senses will naturally start to develop further growing into our Baby Discover classes. These sessions are excellent for encouraging social interaction and beginning to develop their motor skills.

Activities for your 15-month-old toddler to your 4-year-old child

Little Explorers is our next class for your little one when they reach 15 months and up. Your Little Explorer’s creative journey will provide them with experiences to help them with their essential early learning skills. The programmes are linked to The Early Years Foundation Stage and support your child critical early learning. Activities include the development of fine motor skills, social skills, concentration, learning about their world, recognising colours, shapes, textures, comparing, contrasting and sorting and much more. This skill development helps with the transition to nursery and to school.

Continuity is really important as your little one is growing up so having that fixed regular time with you, can really help your child grow in confidence about going to “big school” and also help their creativity flourish.

Activities for your 5-year-old to 11-year-old child

As your child develops in school we can support their creative development with our award-winning  ‘Create Club’ fun and educational after-school clubs.

Activities include exploring The Art of Science, Art-tastic nature, Around the world, out of this world, All about me and many more fun creative programmes.  We also support your child creative development through a range of creative school workshops.

To find out more about local creative classes for your child or children, contact your local Creation Station leader. Simply pop your postcode in to find your nearest Creation Station leader.

…Creative fun is not just for the kids!

If you would like to enjoy some relaxing creative fun and develop your skills too you can find out about local Creative Crafters: These monthly events are designed for you to relax, make a craft and have fun. Our Creative Crafters often come with a glass of Prosecco and some nibbles too!

We hope you find this helpful. Here’s to creative journeys to unleash the wonder within.

To find your nearest Creation Station visit and pop in your postcode to find your local creative fun.

If you don’t have a Creation Station in your area yet, and you or someone you know would love run their own rewarding fun and flexible business, find out more about running your own Creation Station franchise.

Here’s to inspiring futures.

Your Creative Crew

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