Here at Creation Station, we are so looking forward to welcoming all our Tiny Treasures, Baby Discoverers, Little Explorers, Creative kids and creative grown-ups back to face to face classes.
We have put in place COVID SECURE standards and processes. We’ve adapted our activities in line with stringent government guidelines and back this up with rigorous training and reviews for al our Creation Station leaders. This is to ensure everyone who comes to our activities can enjoy being creative with the peace of mind that your safety and wellbeing is at the forefront of all that we do.
Here are the safe and secure experiences that you can expect when you come along to any of The Creation Station activities:
- We will manage the NHS track and trace securely and automatically through our website. If you arrive for an event that isn’t booked through the website we will ask you for your details, and keep them safely inline with GDPR regulations for 21 days.
- We kindly ask that you do not attend your activity if you are displaying or have shown, any of the symptoms listed below in the past 14 days. Also if you have been in contact with anyone who has any of the symptoms in the last 14 days, or if you have been abroad and been informed that you have to self-isolate
- A new continuous cough
- A high temperature
- A loss of, or change in your normal sense of taste or smell?
- Please arrive 10 minutes before your session so we have plenty of time to safely socially distance by 2m as you enter the venue.
- Adults, please wear face masks and use the hand santizer when you enter and leave the premises. Also if you go to the toilet. Thank you. (Our sanitiser have an alcohol content of above 70%).
- **EXCITING NEWS** To help keep you safe when you purchase a block of 10 classes, we will give you your special Creation Station bag and your own tools. This very special offer is in participating Creation Stations only. This offer is available until the end of Sept 2020. Please contact your local Creation Station leader for details. You will be able to collect your complimentary creative tool kit and bag when you arrive for your class.
- We are supplying you tools so that if we do go into a lockdown or a regional lockdown we can carry on being creative online. This way you don’t have to worry about missing out. We’ll still be able to help you get creative
- During your activity, we ask you to follow the signs to your own ‘Creative Pod’. This is your exclusive sanitized and safe space. Here you will be able to enjoy being creative with your own tools and materials. Your creative pod is spacious and 2m away from all other guests.
- We kindly ask that you respect the 2m distancing processes we have put in place.
- Please note that only one person or family are allowed at the toilet at one time.
- All your materials will be ready on the table for you with your own materials and any specialist equipment required for that session. Any tools that will be reused eg: trays, will be sanitized thoroughly before being used again.
- Please bring your own painting overalls, apron or t-shirt and your own environmentally friendly wipes, please. We will have sanitised overalls in case you don’t have your own. If you don’t have anything suitable you can click here to purchase our splashsuits or painting coats.
We have carefully adapted all our activities to tenure your safety and also so that we can still have the maximum amount of fun!
We will continue to spark curiosity, inspire imaginations and enjoy creative journeys of exploration, discovery and development. This is at the heart of all we do. We know there has never been such an important time to be creative, to connect and be social. Thank you for your support in unleashing the wonder within us all!
To contact your local Creation Station leader, pop in your postcode to find your nearest arts and crafts COVID SECURE activities.