Having worked in franchising, when the time came for Lisa to review her career path, she knew the franchising route was a path she wanted to take
Lisa had a change in family circumstances and decided she wanted something that gave her more control over her working life. Lisa now enjoys family and work life and loves that her work inspires others in her local community,
Lisa now runs children’s art and craft classes, parties, and events in Falkirk. Plus adult craft workshops in Falkirk and surrounding areas.
Here’s Lisa’s story
I previously worked in food retail as a store manager and was an operations manager for a well-known quick-service restaurant franchise chain.
After my son was born, I went through a period of reflection – it was time to make a change!
Having worked for a franchise operation previously I was always interested in running my own business. I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of a strong brand, a solid reputation, and all the support that is included when you invest in a reputable franchise. I downloaded The Creation Station franchise info pack and, well I was very excited!
I’m mum to my fabulous three-year-old son Archie, and enjoy family life with Archie and my wonderful husband Andy. Andy has been very supportive of my move to run my own business. It was a big decision to step away from a stable job to invest all our savings into a new business venture. The decision to run my own business was about much more than just financial gain though – it was also about being able to put my family first.
The Creation Station really stood out to me because not only are they the market leader in the arts and crafts activities but there is also a wealth of income streams available. This means I can grow my business at a rate and pace that suits us as a family.
For me, the business provides everything I needed. This includes tried and tested plans, a real focus on health and safety procedures, a commitment to environmentally sourced products, all the legal considerations plus practical support whilst running my own business.
I travelled to London for a Discovery Morning (Now these Discovery Events are online which makes it so much easier to find out more!)
I loved the idea of the Creation Station and there was a real feeling of family and friendship among the franchisees I met on the day. My main worry was after meeting the lovely women who were running their own Creation Station was if I would ever be able to do it myself. They all said that there is loads of support and the magic ingredient starts with the person wanting to make a difference and run their own business, So I thought – well that’s me and I can do this!
The training was intense and really gave us lots of tools to take away to help get everything get up and running. There was loads of support afterwards with lots of contact and calls with our Business Development Manager. This support has continued which has been really helpful. You form real and lasting friendships with the other trainees. Your training group also provides amazing support through your Creation Station journey.
At the start of the pandemic, I had already put together craft packs for those customers who had already booked and paid for classes. I gave these out at the last face-to-face sessions I ran. When we entered lockdown, I did these classes as online sessions. It was difficult as I had no childcare so often had to have my son with me at the sessions.
As lockdown eased I was able to provide some of my classes as interactive online sessions alongside craft packs. It has been like starting the business all over again and learning what works and what doesn’t. I have invested in equipment such as webcams, lights, tripods and a headset to ensure that I can offer the best experience during these online sessions.
As part of our franchise, there is always the feeling that you were never doing this alone. There are always lots of great ideas that come from our Creative Hub Head office and the franchise network for motivation and inspiration.
Our Facebook group is always great for supporting each other. The Franchise has been very supportive removing fees at times we were unable to earn anything at all. Our regional monthly Business Development Manager zoom calls were a great way to chat with others and get and offer advice.
I love what we bring to people’s lives.
Heres a wee bit of feedback from my customers:
“I have really enjoyed making all my things with you! You have given me lots of great ideas to keep me busy. I LOVE ART, IT IS THE BEST!” Mirren, age 4
“We thoroughly enjoy Lisa’s online lessons. My four-year-old daughter has been unable to attend nursery, see friends and family or attend any in-person classes for nearly a year now due to her younger brother shielding from covid. My usually very busy and sociable wee girl found herself feeling bored and isolated. When we learned that Lisa was holding regular online classes we couldn’t wait to sign up. My daughter enjoys a wonderful variety of arts and crafts activities whilst also getting some much-needed social interaction with others in her age group. She’s so proud of all her creations and looks forward to every pack being delivered. Lisa always includes lots of extra materials to keep us going between lessons. Instead of lockdown getting to her, my daughter is able to happily occupy herself for hours on end. Through Lisa’s lessons, my girl has discovered a real love for all things creative! Lisa is great at adapting her activities, meaning my disabled three-year-old can join in. Prior to Lisa’s online classes my son had never taken part in in-person art classes because he gets overwhelmed with groups of people and we always take longer to complete activities. Lisa’s online lessons mean my son can happily take part when he wants to, in his own home, at a pace that suits him. It has been lovely to take part in Lisa’s family classes and make mementos with both of my children.” Kirstie one of my Family Fun customers
I’m very proud of how I have kept my business going during the pandemic. I was about a year and a half into the business when Covid hit and things had really started taking off. I am proud that my customers appreciate the online sessions so much and they give them something to look forward to.
I am so excited to be bringing The Creation Station to local community events again!”
Top tips I’d say to some running their own business:
“Try not to feel guilty about taking time out for yourself. It has been really important to do this during lockdowns especially. One of the main reasons I still run classes online is to give parents some time out! I know myself that having a child with a rare genetic condition means that you constantly live in a state of not knowing what the future holds. I think that this has made it easier for me to deal with the uncertainty of this pandemic.
You have to be able to adapt and try to make the most of every situation I have a lot less time available now so time management has become really important. This year I’ve had to accept the things that are out of my control in my business. I’ve sat down and adapted both my short and long-term business and personal goals accordingly.
I’ve learned that uncertainty does not mean that you cannot be successful.
I still love what I do and am proud to be able to support others”
To join Lisa arts and crafts classes in Falkirk click here