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Fun Activities for Dads and Kids

We know that keeping the kids entertained in the school holidays can be tough, sometimes it feels like days are endless, but what if someone (perhaps an award-winning children’s arts and craft specialist company, for example) put together a box containing over 20 fun and creative activities in a box, and all you had to do was supply scissors and supervision?

We’ve got you covered. Our F.A.B boxes (fun arty boxes if you were wondering) contain over 20 different things to do, make and create with the kids and just to make sure the boxes were exactly what you need we asked real-life Dad of 3 and blogger Life_of_Daddy to take a look at them, test them out and tell us his honest opinion.

After a few days, this is what he said: “The box we received was an ‘Under the Sea’ theme but there are a whole host of other themes available. Each box comes with pretty much everything you’ll need (the only added thing I needed was scissors) and about 20 activities. Gents if you’re stuck at home with poor weather and over-tired, bored children this is the answer, my friends.” 

We want to inspire children and Dads too. Often the craft activities can be left to Mum or Nan, but we know Dads enjoy them too. We loved what Life of Daddy and his little ones created and can’t wait to see what they make next!

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