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The crazy world of SLIME

Tracy shares some of the slime making fun she got up to with her two fabulous super helpers

“Like most kids my two love making SLIME, yuck! Yes I know it’s my job but as a parent, I’m still allowed to say yuck! The only SLIME (made with glue and activators) we make is The Creation Station one. Purely because I know it’s safe and most importantly based on the fact my two are 8 and 4 and still quite unpredictable, I know how to dissolve it when it gets on their clothes, in their hair, on the floor, and yep even off the cat…….. you’ll see what I mean when you watch the video….

So our lovely founder Sarah put a message out to our sparkly Creation Station Network  ‘Anyone fancy making some edible slime’ oh oh oh me me me!! My 8-year-old Elizabeth loves making edible SLIME and we have tried quite a few. Some taste amazing and other’s not so much and then there are the chocolate ones which she loves ….just the look of them brings on palpitations as my face starts to turn green, but hey I love having fun with my kids and doing things that make them happy. So we accepted Sarah’s challenge.

Before you watch the first video I must explain that my 2 children are polar opposites… Elizabeth loves getting messy covered in paint, gloop, sand you name it she’s not bothered it’s all part of her creative process. Then there is Lucas….. if you have been to one of Little Explorer classes you’ll know our awesome mess defying red suits, well my little boy is that one child that will not under any circumstances entertain wearing one. Yes, he loves to paint but he doesn’t like paint on his hands, he loves play-doh but it’s not messy, and yes he does love slime but not making it that’s for mummy to do. Once it’s made he’ll be there for ages driving his monster trucks through it and stretching it across the kitchen. It would be a boring world if we were all the same!

So here is our first (be kind) Edible SLIME how-to video, to join in you will need.

  • 1 x bag Haribo golden bears (or other similar)
  • ¼ cup Icing Sugar
  • ¼ cup Cornflour

WARNING: The melted sweets will be hot so adults only until it cools sufficiently. This one tastes yummy and it’s hard to stop eating it! I would suggest a one-play session and then bin it…well what’s left.

Have fun, we definitely did!

See you again soon!”

Tracy, Elizabeth and Lucas x

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