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How to help your kids love vegetables #MakeItMonday

Having trouble getting your child to eat vegetables?

Did you know that multiple studies have shown that activities involving sensory food play, ie; engaging different senses in exploring food via games, food crafts, and cooking influence a child’s love for vegetables?

Check out this easy to do craft activity that will help your child explore the world of ‘greens’ through arts and crafts and inspire their imagination by sticking, glueing, colouring etc, This introduction to ‘playing with food’  will help your child get used to different textures and food items. It also helps your child understand there is a wide range of food items to enjoy too, #MakeItMonday

You will need:

  • Vegetables
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Wiggly eyes
  • Feathers
  • Matchsticks

Step 1: Choose your vegetable and wash it thoroughly.

Step 2: Stick on wiggly eyes (as many as you like).

Step 3: Wrap the pipe cleaner around your finger to create a spiral. These could be ‘arms’, ‘antennas’ or anything you can imagine.

Step 4: Stick in feathers for the ‘hair’ and matchsticks for ‘legs’.

Step 5: Inspire your child’s imagination and come up with new designs for your vegetables. We’d love to see your creations, please share on our Facebook. 

Click on the video below:


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