Did you know that you can make a flying kite from any regular shopping bag at your home in just 20 minutes?! It’s very easy to do and not only does it fly very well, but you will also be supporting #WatchMeFly campaign which supports Caudwell Children.
You will need:
- Plastic shopping bag
- Paper straws
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Sticky tape
- Kite template
- Ruler
- String
- Black marker pen
Watch a step by step video or follow instructions below.
Step 1:
Cut out the front of your plastic bag or just cut the bag in half
Step 2:
Fold the front of your bag in half vertically (so the logo/writing is right in the middle)
Step 3:
Create a kite template from card by drawing a parallelogram with the following measurements:
- 20cm
- 12cm
- 22cm
- 15cm
and dash a line down the middle of the kite.
Step 4:
Place the template on the bag so that the side that is 20cm long is along he folded edge of the bag. Cut the kite out bu leave the folded edge untacked.
Step 5:
You should get a heart shape when you unfold the bag. Open it up with the logo/writing side on the table.
Step 6:
Fold the kite back together and unfold one side down the dashed line like it’s shown on your kite template.
Step 7:
Secure the kite’s shape with sticky tape down the middle
Step 8:
Stick on 1 paper straw down the kite and 2 halves of 1 straw on each side of the kite in the middle. Top tip: Place sticky tape on the straw first and then on the kite.
Step 9:
Secure the middle of where the straws meet with more sticky tape
Step 10:
You should have a ‘wing’ formed from previous steps. Make it stronger with sticky tape by simply sticking the tape around the ‘wing’
Step 11:
Make a hole with the pencil in the ‘wing’ of your kite and thread string through it. Leave the string on the ball so you can adjust the height of your kite when flying
Step 12:
Make a ‘tail’ for your kite. Fold the other half of the bag in 4 and cut 4 strips approx. 2cm long.
Step 13:
Stick on the strips to the bottom of your kite
Step 14:
With a black marker pen, write #WatchMeFly on your kite and show everyone you are supporting the campaign for such a good cause.
Get involved in the Children’s National Activity Week with this easy to do craft activity that your little ones can enjoy outside in the lovely weather.
We appreciate the weather is not always great in our country so get your children involved in our sessions from as little as 6 months to 11 years that are run all over the country and some will even be joined by Sid Sloane! Yes, the one from CBeebies! 😀
As busy parents we can all struggle with ideas, time or energy and the thought of the clearing up afterwards can feel anything but fun! Also it’s often the case that by the time you’ve set something up, they’ve already finished!
We totally understand this. In fact, that’s precisely why The Creation Station was established – to give you quality, fun, creative experiences with your child in a safe, nurturing and friendly environment.
Find your local class or book a Creation Station Arty Party for your little ones and let us do the magic whilst you enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and watch children have fun, being creative and inspiring.