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It’s Make it Monday | Let’s make a Heart Reveal Canvas

We love simple and effective artwork at the Creation Station and this activity will ensure you have a one of a kind design.  This can be done on any size canvas and with any shape – with just a few resources needed you will have your own masterpiece in no time.

You will need:

– A canvas (of any size)

– Sticky back plastic/clear book covering (or you can mask out your design in masking tape)

– Pencil and scissors

– Clear book binding over or laminating pouch

– Paints (acrylics work well)


What to do:

1) Cut out your sticky back plastic to the size of your canvas

2) Draw out your shape and cut out

3) Carefully apply the sticky back plastic to your canvas. Make sure it is pressed down all over

4) Add small dots of your chosen colours (3-4 work well)

5) Carefull place your book cover over the paint and smooth the paints out.  Keep doing this until all of the ‘reveal’ shape is covered.

6) Remove and then very carefully peel off the sticky back plastic.

For more “How To” videos go to our YouTube Channel and click Subscribe. Share your awesome masterpieces with #CreationStation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook or Twitter page.

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