What is safer sleep week?
The Lullaby Trust provides specialist support for bereaved families and anyone affected by a sudden infant death
They have taken to social media with #safersleepweek to spread awareness.
What is S.I.D.S.?
‘Sudden Infant Death’ is the term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby that is initially unexplained. ‘Cot death’ was a term that was used in the past to describe the sudden and unexpected death of an infant. It has largely been abandoned, due to its misleading suggestions that sudden infant death can only occur when a baby is asleep in their own cot, which we know to be untrue.
So how can we prevent this from happening?
The Lullaby Trust have shared a video on the do’s and don’ts for your babies sleep.
Want to get involved?
If you want to get involved, please contact The Lullaby Trust.
If you are already getting involved in an event this week, we would love to see your photos of support. Please upload your images with #creationstation to our Facebook or our Twitter.
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