Creativity unlocks potential and helps to develop ideas and self- esteem and so much more. Did you know creativity can also make a powerful difference to our health and economy too?
- The arts can help keep us well, aid our recovery and support longer lives better lived.
- The arts can help meet major challenges facing health and social care: ageing, long-term conditions, loneliness and mental health.
- The arts can also help save money in the health service and social care.
These findings are from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and
Wellbeing Inquiry ‘Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing’ July 2017.
The report showed that engaging in creative activities can have dramatic and far-reaching benefits. Here is s summary of some of the benefits.
Health And Wellbeing
Arts on Prescriptions
The inclusion of visual and performing arts in healthcare environments can help to reduce sickness, anxiety and stress.
An arts-on-prescription project has shown the following:
- 37% drop in GP consultation rates
- 27% reduction in hospital admissions.
This represents a saving of £216 per patient
Participatory Arts Programmes
After engaging with the arts the following results were found:
- 79% of people in deprived communities in London ate more healthily
- 77% engaged in more physical activity
- 82% enjoyed greater wellbeing.
£1 spent on early care and education has been calculated to save up to £13 in future costs.
Participatory arts activities with children improve their cognitive, linguistic, social and emotional development and enhance school readiness.
- Participatory arts activities are also shown to help to alleviate anxiety, depression and stress both within and outside of work.
Healthy Aging
Over the past two centuries, life expectancy has increased by two years every decade, meaning that half of the people being born in the West can expect to reach 100. Arts participation is a vital part of healthy ageing. Arts therapies have been found to alleviate anxiety, depression and stress while increasing resilience and wellbeing.
Supporting The Economy
The UK’s creative industries contribute almost £90bn net to GDP; it accounts for one in eleven jobs, a rate rising quicker than all other parts of the economy. These jobs are also among the least likely to be lost to automation. Many of our commercial companies are shining examples of ingenuity and entrepreneurship. The link between culture and tech and science is strong and growing.
As well as a providing revenue and employment, the arts serve to reduce costs too. Within the NHS, some 10 million working days are lost to sick leave every year, costing £2.4 billion. Arts engagement helps health and care staff to improve their own health and wellbeing and that of their patients.
Creative activities are well loved and enjoyed by many
9.4 million in the UK are involved in some form of every day creativity, such as drawing, painting, pottery, sculpture, music- or film-making, singing or handicrafts.
That’s 17%of the population. This is a dynamic and growing sector which will continue to see positive outcomes.
The report found that cultural engagement reduces work-related stress and leads to longer, happier lives. The report also stated that attendance in creative activities tends to be determined by educational level, prosperity and ethnicity.
The Creation Station, the UK’s award-winning creative activity company is committed to making creative arts and crafts activities accessible and available to all ages.
Programmes include:
- Pre-school Classes – fun parent or carer engagement fun with their baby or toddler. These are called Baby Discover and Little Explorer classes
- Family fun classes – for the whole family to get creative together
- School workshops and afterschool clubs – educational and fun Create Clubs
- Creative crafter- adult crafting events for all ages
- Care and Creativity – creative workshops for senior citizens in care homes. Also community and intergenerational workshops – bring the young and old together
- Creative activities for festivals, corporate days and events.
- Arty birthday parties and Tiny Treasure keepsakes.
With over 950,000 children and adults inspired, demand continues to grow for creative activities. If you would like to find out more visit The Creation Station or get in touch by emailing [email protected]
If you would like to run your own flexible and rewarding Creation Station, find out more here.
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