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Working Mums Creation Station Franchise Webinar

Ever thought about running your own business but the thought of it sounds a bit scary? Would you love to have more control and flexibility over your working hours but not sure where to start?

More people are now running their own franchise than ever before. This means that you can run a business with an established house-hold name brand with full training and on-going support.

The Creation Station inspires imaginations through multi-award-winning art and craft classes parties and events. Already over one hundred people are running their own franchise and over one million kids and adults have been inspired through the 5-Star rated fun and educational experiences.

The company has won many awards including the ‘Most Supportive and Top Franchise’ in the  Working Mums awards. To find out more watch the Working Mums Creation Station Discover Webinar.

Recently The Creation Station teamed up with Working Mums to put together a webinar to help you find out more about running your own successful and rewarding franchise.

Register to watch this Working Mums webinar and listen in. You will be able to see Sarah Cressall, founder of Creations Station, Maggie Seager, Head of Franchise awards and Sharon Keirle one of The Creation Station franchise owners, talk about what it is like to run your own creative franchise.

To watch the webinar pop your details in the form below and we will send you an email and password to watch the webinar straight away.

Request access to the webinar ​

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