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10 Benefits of Attending a Weekly Children’s Class

Last week, a lady got in contact with us and said, ‘Oh, I don’t like booking programmes of classes.  Little Freddie and I prefer to choose our activities as we go each week.  It’s okay to just drop in, I assume….?

As leading experts in child development, imagination and growth we know just how important it is to help your little one in any way you know how, and creativity is one of those areas where sometimes you just don’t know how, or maybe just don’t want the mess of an arts and crafts session. And sometimes you just don’t have the time, we get it. But there are some benefits to joining a weekly class, for you and your little one, and here they are;

  • Repetition – there is a reason why children’s classes often include rhymes, songs, dances and other mechanics that feature weekly in the sessions.  Learning by rote or repetition is an important step in your child’s development, whether it be ‘Row, row, the boat’ or the 8 times table!  The sense of achievement that can be seen on a child’s face when they master the ‘magic words’ is a special moment!  This happens surprisingly quickly when your child attends the classes on a weekly basis
  • Development of skills and learning – our classes, like many others, have a central theme each term.  Whether it’s exploring the colours of the rainbow or learning new shapes.  The term is designed to build upon the knowledge acquired as your child moves through each week, meaning that skipping weeks can leave a gap in their exploration.  Similarly, using the special tools used in class can aid your child in the acquisition of new skills, like cutting or mark making, which can be difficult to replicate at home.
  • Socialisation and forging friendships – nothing makes a class leader happier than hearing that class member, who met through their sessions, are meeting up for a playdate or a birthday party!  Meeting new people and being in a social environment can be a tough ask for some children, yet is such an important part of growing up.  Being in class on a weekly basis allows your child to interact with, work together with and form friendships with other children and their carers.  We encourage them to learn to share!!
  • Peer support and advice – it’s not just the little ones that benefit from building friendships over the weeks, the adults are also able to find ‘like minds’ to share experiences, advice and maybe even the odd cuppa or glass of wine!
  • Creating hobbies and interests –  introducing your child to different weekly classes and allowing them time to ‘taste’ different activities can create the interest in hobbies and pastimes that will stay with them to adulthood.  Whether it is art, music, rugby or gymnastics, pursuing a hobby is great for mental wellbeing, for avoiding boredom and for creating future opportunities in life.
  • Routine – in a world that is fast-paced and can sometimes feel chaotic, having a sense of routine is a security blanket for many children and just as many adults!  In those early years of parenthood, committing to a weekly class, it gives you a reason to be out of the house at a certain time and a way to plan your day or week around that.  Indeed, it is said that 1 in 10 women suffer from Post Natal Depression after the birth of their child, a symptom of which is anxiety regarding leaving the home and avoidance of social situations.  Whilst it is a tough step, joining a supportive weekly class can help greatly in coping with these fears. Hannah, who has been bringing her daughter to classes since she was 5 months old, recently explained “I recommend you to any new mum I see, getting out of the house and doing Creation Station has helped me with PND and building the bond with Emma. Thank you so much…. Forcing myself to get out of the house and do stuff with my little girl was a big step but made 100% easier by you.”
  • A set time for you both – as Hannah touched on above with her comment, bonding with your child is another benefit of doing activities together.  Whether they are your only child, or the younger/older sibling, having a special time set aside for doing things together is a powerful boost to your relationship.  And if it is set in the schedule, or marked on the calendar, there is always less chance of it being ‘postponed’!
  • Let someone else do the hard work! – let’s face it, no matter what our intentions or how busy our Pinterest boards look, it is always going to be easier to let someone else devise, prep and run an activity than to try and do it around your kitchen table!
  • Create journeys of exploration, discovery and development.  Unleash the wonder within your child.  As your child develops their skills, they are able to practice and further develop in a wide range of ares. The Creation Station classes are underpinned with the early years government education guidelines. These give your child a solid foundation for their further learning goals. Creative experiences develop a wide range of essential life skills that equip your child with a  solid platform for their next journey into school. The best way to develop these skills is by booking for the whole programme.

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If you don’t have a Creation Station running in your area and would love to find out about running your own fun, flexible and rewarding business, request a Creation Station information pack.

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