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Creation Station brings Arts into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths to inspire preschool children.

Creativity is too often squeezed out of education even though it develops a wide range of skills within all areas of children’s learning and life.

This is why The Creation Station has developed their award-winning Little Explorer programmes to help children aged fifteen months to five years, learn about first concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

By bringing arts into STEM, also known as STEAM, families and childcare organisations will be able enjoy a range of exciting themed classes. Each class is designed to spark each child’s curiosity and to create journeys of exploration and discovery in a fun and hands-on way.

Little Explorer programmes are themed as Magical Me, My Wonderful World and Animal Antics and are underpinned by the governments Early Years Foundation Stage.

The award-winning fun includes printing and making wind mobiles, modelling your own mythical creature, creating your own very hungry caterpillar, life size life paintings whilst using an exciting range of tools and materials and much more. The programmes help children to develop their concentration, mindfulness, hand and eye co-ordination and problem-solving skills.

Families attending the Creation Station Little Explorer classes will still be able to enjoy the award-winning hands on creative fun classes and ALSO benefit from some of the classes being linked to understanding the simple STEM concepts in a fun and creative way.

Dr.Amanda Gummer, founder of Fundamentally Children stated “Creativity underpins a lot of STEM skills so it is great to see such forward thinking from The Creation Station with their Little Explorer programmes, combining STEM learning with creativity and arts to promote holistic development in young children. The clever use of creative activities with STEM based learning outcomes helps all children engage with science and see it as a fun way of exploring our fascinating world. Age appropriate topics that children can relate to are a great way to introduce these concepts”.

Sarah Cressall founder of Creation Station said “I established our Little Explorer classes back in 2002 to give my own three boys the opportunity to explore, discover and develop through creative experiences. They have grown so much by having a creative outlook to their learning. My boys have gone on to study Engineering, Maths and one is working for a charity. Their teachers have all commented that they are creative thinkers and have been able to tackle challenges because of their creative approach. At Creation Station we’ve always encouraged creative thinking within our classes and I’m delighted to officially announce that we are proud to bring the arts into all areas of learning and include STEM elements in many of our classes”.

The Creation Station classes help to develop a wide range of skills and attributes including self-esteem, mindfulness, problem solving, hand and eye coordination to simple maths and engineering concepts. Each week classes have a different focus so children and parents can be truly inspired by individual journeys of discovery and development.

As well as STEAM classes, families and local child care organisations can look forward to booking a wide array of creative classes including: great reading sessions with the Eric Carle’s Very Hungry Caterpillar, Usborne children’s book ‘That’s not my Flamingo’, Play-Doh Wheel Gravel Yard creative fun, a weeks worth of fun with Children Activity week with profits going to Caudwell Children plus Disney on Ice themed classes too. It’s guaranteed we will be having lots of creative fun!”

The Creation Station classes, parties and events have been rated 5-Star by over 3,800 customers. To find out what’s happening in your area visit and pop in your postcode. If you would like to book workshops for your setting or events please contact your local Creation Station franchise leader or email [email protected] or call the creative crew at Creation Station on  01395 239700.

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