As part of our campaign to support over 5,000 families, we’ve teamed up with Homestart across the UK bring creative activities and smiles to families in need.
We’d like to say a massive thank you to all our supporters as we have raised £6,710 towards our £7,500 target towards our Lambeth project.
We send out ‘Fun Arty Box’ craft packs and exciting online courses to help create journeys of exploration, discovery and development.
It was lovely to receive the followed feedback:
“Thank you so much for sending us a fab fun arty box. My son his going to enjoy this as he loves his arts and crafts. This is going to help a lot of families keep their children active and happy at home. Your support is much appreciated” Tatiana Rodrigues.
Children grow, develop and learn so much through creative activities and its FUN! We all need a bit of that don’t we
Huge thanks to all the support we are receiving for our campaign.