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Why creativity is essential in learning, leisure and life

Why Creativity Is Essential


The creative industries contribute more to the economy than the automotive, aerospace, life sciences, oil and gas sectors combined.

  • £101 billion contributions to the economy in 2017. 33% increase since 2010
  • 5.5% of the UK economy.
  • 1 in 11 jobs across the UK

Life Skills

  • LinkedIn research: The top skill companies need most is creativity
  • Employability of students who study arts subjects is higher and they are more likely to stay in employment


  • Visual and performing arts in healthcare environments help to reduce sickness anxiety and stress
  • After engaging in the arts 79% of people in deprived areas ate more healthily
  • People who take part in the arts are 38% more likely to report good health
  • Creative crafting pursuits for adults continue to increase
  • Creative activities support wellbeing in all ages


  • Children who take part in art activities during the early years are ahead in reading and Maths at age nine
  • Increase In Cognitive Ability 17%:  Participation in structured arts activities increases mental capability for reasoning, problem-solving, planning, abstract thinking, complex ideas and learning from experience
  • Learning through arts and culture develops skills and behaviour that lead children to do better in school
  • Young offenders who take part in arts activities are 18% less likely to re-offend

Increasing Demand & Need

  • 17% of the population is involved in everyday creativity and this is increasing
  • Evidence supports that creativity needs to play a much bigger role in the education of young people
  • There is increasing consumer spending on creative experiences.

Here at Creation Station, we provide creative classes, parties clubs, and events for over 25,000 children and adults each week. We’re proud to partner with great organisations across the UK. We work with a fantastic team of franchise partners who deliver an award-winning creative experience for all ages.

Find local Creation Station art and crafts classes, parties and events, and clubs near you. If you or someone you know would love to run their own rewarding Creation Station franchise, download a Creation Station franchise information pack, and together let’s continue to help inspire nations imagination

 Sources Creative industries Federation, Creativity, and the arts in the curriculum, Crafts Council, Arts Council, Commission

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